“Women to (Wo)men DJing”


This workshop, taught by two experienced female DJs, encourages any and all (wo-)men to give in to their curiosity and learn not only the technical basics of the art of DJing and what all these fancy buttons mean, but also tries to capture the various other dimensions of what DJing is, or should be. The focus will be on vinyl, with a CDJ being available for a quick comparison.


No prerequisites, but if you have music that you’d love to spin, bring it along!

Participation Fee: CHF 10.– / to be paid in cash /
Limited capacity, please register at workshops@backslashfestival.com
Saturday, 16 November, 17:00 – 19:00 / women only / fully booked
Sunday, 17 November, 16:00 – 18:00 / open to everyone / fully booked

We are extremely pleased (and admittedly slightly overwhelmed) with the substantial interest in our workshops. However, the DJ workshop for both days is already overbooked.

If the demand persists, we will gladly consider organizing additional workshops after the festival. Feel free to signal your interest, and we will get back to you in the upcoming weeks.

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